How it works

It’s very simple! Once you purchase your Starter Kit, our Nozama team will contact you to request all the necessary information to open your account and obtain information about your products. From that moment on, our team will take care of everything until your account is ready for you to manage on your own.
During the Starter Kit period, you will have access to detailed training on how to manage your products, account, sales and advertising on Amazon. When everything is ready to start selling, you will count on our support team to accompany you during the first weeks of the process.
We understand that launching one product is not the same as launching one hundred, nor is launching your product in one country the same as launching it in all European countries. In addition, each type of product requires a specific study. Therefore, we offer different options for the purchase of your Amazon Starter Kit.
The purchase process is very simple and you will know in advance everything you will get at the end of the Starter Kit: an open Amazon Seller account, your products published with SEO positioning, your first advertising plan, training and support so you can continue on your own.
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ICON2 StarterKit DG01 Amazon account opening

At Nozama we are happy to help you with the opening of your Amazon account and its extension to other European platforms. We want you to know that our team will take care of all the necessary paperwork with Amazon, making sure everything is in order. To do this, we will ask you for all the information and documentation that Amazon needs, and if your account is already open, we will check that everything is correct and solve any problems you may have. First, We will open your account in Spain or in the country where you reside.We will then extend it to the rest of the platforms you have chosen in your Starter kit, and it is important to note that the account opening process depends on Amazon and that they will check the documentation provided to ensure that everything is in order. Our team will guide you and explain why each document is requested. Can Amazon refuse to open my account? Yes, it is possible if you do not meet all the requirements, do not provide the necessary documentation or if you have already tried to open an account in the past. Therefore, it is important that you let our team guide you through the entire process. In case Amazon rejects the account opening, Nozama will refund the cost of your Starter kit, retaining 20% of the cost as payment for our services during that time. Once Amazon confirms the opening of your account, we will start working on content creation, advertising and marketing plan.

ICON2 StarterKit DG02 Content management and publishing

Once we have opened your account, our content creation and management team will start working on your project. We will carry out a study of niches or market segments of your products to understand which are the keywords that position them within each of them. With this information, we will create the necessary content, including the descriptions you send us of your products. This process will be performed for each of the European countries included in your Starter kit. But that’s not all. Product content on Amazon not only includes title, bullet points and descriptions, but can also have A+ content, Brand Story and create a Store. Don’t worry, our team will take care of everything for you . We will compose the titles of your products, adapting them to the category they belong to and making sure they have the best possible positioning. In addition, we will ensure that they are readable and optimal on both the desktop and mobile versions of the Amazon app. We will create the bullet points that best define your product, inserting SEO positioning through the keywords that we have studied for you. We will use the description of your products to compose the final text that will include the detailed description of each one of them. Therefore, it is important that you provide us with all the information you have about the characteristics of your products, both visual and technical. If you have already registered your trademark with the competent official body, we can also register it with Amazon. For this, our team will take care of all the necessary procedures with Amazon. This process brings many advantages for the Seller, such as the possibility of creating A+, Brand Story and Store within Amazon. The A+ content is of high quality and all products that want to give a plus image on the Amazon page have it. That’s why our team will create these pages for you. The Brand Story will help you to create a brand image within Amazon, transmit your values and mission as a brand within Amazon, establishing an emotional connection with the public and differentiating your company from the competition. We will work on creating a Store for you within Amazon. A unique place where your customers will be able to visualize all your products and increase crosselling and customer loyalty. Yes! You will have your own mini-store inside the world’s largest marketplace.

ICON2 StarterKit DG03 Positioning, advertising and promotion

Our team will study your products and the markets in which they will compete and prepare a report on the best way to position and promote them. While our content management team carries out the appropriate studies to position the products in SEO format, our advertising and marketing team also begins its work so that you can carry out SEM positioning. This team will study as many niches and markets as you have paid for in your starter kit. This study will serve to make a marketing plan appropriate to the type of product and the country-market in which it will be sold. We will send you these market studies so that you have information about your competitors. You will know how they are selling their products in the same categories where you will start competing. At the same time, the advertising team will design the paid advertising campaigns that you can launch within your account. Within the training that we will provide you in the starter kit, you will have a specific section for advertising and promotion. In this training we will teach you how to create the different types of advertising campaigns(Sponsor Product, Sponsor Brand, Display) and we will also teach you the different types of promotion available within Amazon. To make the launch more convenient for you, we will prepare the first advertising campaign within your Amazon account. This first campaign will be ready to be executed as soon as you activate it when you consider it is the right time to start.

ICON2 StarterKit DG04 Amazon Seller training

At Nozama we offer training in all areas necessary for you to properly manage your Amazon Seller account. The goal is that, at the end of the Starter kit period, you will be fully autonomous. In terms of training, there are two areas in which we believe you should specialize in order to better understand Amazon’s business: the product dimension and the operational dimension. By product dimension, we mean everything necessary to increase the visibility of your product to the greatest number of potential buyers. This includes content creation, keyword research, competitor evaluation and analysis of different Amazon marketplaces in Europe. We will provide you with training on content creation, market research, competition and the best way to position and promote your products. By operational dimension, we mean all the tasks necessary to sell your products, such as daily account management, customer service, logistics, warehousing and shipping of your products, as well as the relationship with Amazon. You will learn the different formats of FBA and FBM, and we will teach you how to handle them properly to increase your sales. We will provide you with specific online training for each of these two dimensions, and you will have access to them for the duration of your Starter kit. In addition, you can invite two more people from your team so that they can also take advantage of this training.

ICON2 StarterKit DG05 Accompaniment

During the first steps of launching your seller account, we will be at your side to help you in everything you need. Once you have your account open and your products published, you will have access to our helpdesk directly through a ticketing system to ensure you the best possible service. The number of tickets you’ll have available for inquiries will depend on your Starter kit, but you can always extend the service if you need more help. You will be able to consult any questions you have about the management of your products and Seller account. For example, you can ask questions about FBA shipping plans, review the creation of product variants, ask how to publish in other countries, ask for reviews and recommendations for advertising campaigns, or clarify any other doubts in any area of your Seller account. Examples of assistance you may apply for:

    • Review of a new product listing before activating it and making it available for sale.
    • Publication error query
    • Help with blocked account or products
    • Inquire about the process of registering a new brand in your Seller account.
    • Review of a shipping plan to European FBA warehouses.

Please note that the purpose of this service is to guide you through the process and supervise the first steps, so that once you have all the necessary training you will be autonomous in the management of your account. Therefore, always consult the training before using an accompaniment ticket. You should also keep in mind that this service is not designed to open new accounts, create more products, change content or open new countries. You can do all this by yourself!

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Advantages of contracting the Starter Kit now:

We create your account or set it up for you

We will do the bureaucratic paperwork with Amazon for you to open or set up your account.

SEO publishing of products

We will create the products for you by publishing them in the European accounts including the keywords that rank best within the category.


We will compose titles, bullet points, descriptions and A+ content for your products.

Market and competition study

We will study the market and the competition and create a specific marketing plan for you.


You will learn how to better advertise your products and you will have your first advertising campaign already created.

Training in all necessary areas

We will train you on everything you need to know to properly manage your Amazon account.

Accompanied by experts

You will have a support service formed by experts in each of the Amazon areas

Service package and fixed price

You will know at all times how much it will cost you and what you will get in return.


Do you have any doubts?

Why Nozama?

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From our experience

You will count on the Nozama team for the development of your StarterKit. Nozama is a group of Amazon experts with more than 12 years of experience managing seller and vendor accounts in Spain and several international markets. You will be able to sell in Spain, France, Germany, Italy, UK, Sweden, Holland, Belgium and Poland.

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Our methodology

Our methodology, structured work processes and a team of more than 250 Amazon experts make us the ideal partner for companies that want to start selling, optimize their processes and increase the profitability of their sales on Amazon.

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For our Platform

Adaaption is a platform that has been developed to implement our work methodology on Amazon. This platform is composed of more than 30 applications that automate sales processes, both in terms of product and operations. The Starter Kit uses Adaaption to speed up the process of setting up your account.

"Because we are your strategic partner".


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