ENTRY Starter Kit


*See details below


Starter Kit ADVANCED


*See details below


Starter Kit PREMIUM


*See details below

Choose your Starter Kit. There is a pack to suit your needs

The Starter Kit is aimed at SMEs, business owners and entrepreneurs who want to start selling on Amazon. The objective is to teach you how to manage your account from account opening, brand registration, optimization of your listings to designing and launching your own marketing campaigns. During the duration of the Starter Kit you will have us at your side through a ticket service to clarify your doubts and help you in the first steps.

  • Included in your ENTRY Starter Kit package

    • Account opening or review and configuration if existing, for all contracted countries.
    • Up to 5 market and competition analyses
    • Keyword research (Keyword Research) for 5 niches
    • Adaptation of content for SEO positioning and translation into the contracted languages of up to 25 products.
    • Creation of 5 A+ pages, 1 Brand Story and 1 Store
    • Marketing plan and creation of 1 advertising campaign
    • Access to training content for 3 users during the Starterkit period
    • Expert support for account launch and first weeks of sales (5 tickets)
    • 10% discount on other Nozama products and services.


ENTRY Starter Kit


Up to 25 products Father*.

5 different A+ pages

5 market analysis*.

1 Brand Story*

1 Store*

Marketing plan for 5 niches*.

1 advertising campaign* 1 advertising campaign* 1 advertising campaign

Training up to 3 persons

5 tickets with Amazon experts

*Ver DETALLES más abajo
  • Included in your Starter Kit ADVANCED package

    • Account opening or review and configuration if existing, for all contracted countries.
    • Up to 5 market and competition analyses
    • Keyword research (Keyword Research) for 5 niches
    • Adaptation of content for SEO positioning and translation into the contracted languages of up to 50 products.
    • Creation of 10 A+ pages, 5 Brand Stories and 5 Stores
    • Marketing plan and creation of 1 advertising campaign
    • Access to training content for 3 users during the Starterkit period
    • Expert support for account launch and first weeks of sales (10 tickets)
    • 10% discount on other Nozama products and services.


Starter Kit ADVANCED


Up to 50 products Father*.

10 different A+ pages*.

5 market analysis*.

5 Brand Stories

5 Stores

Marketing plan for 10 niches*.

1 advertising campaign* 1 advertising campaign* 1 advertising campaign

Training up to 3 persons

10 tickets with Amazon experts

*Ver DETALLES más abajo
  • Included in your Starter Kit PREMIUM package

    • Account opening or review and configuration if existing, for all contracted countries.
    • Up to 5 market and competition analyses
    • Keyword research (Keyword Research) for 5 niches
    • Adaptation of content for SEO positioning and translation into the contracted languages of up to 100 products.
    • Creation of 15 A+ pages, 5 Brand Stories and 5 Stores
    • Marketing plan and creation of 1 advertising campaign
    • Access to training content for 3 users during the Starterkit period
    • Expert support for account launch and first weeks of sales (15 tickets)
    • 10% discount on other Nozama products and services.


Starter Kit PREMIUM


Up to 100 products Parent*.

15 different A+ pages

5 market analysis*.

5 Brand Stories

5 Stores

Marketing plan for 15 niches*.

1 advertising campaign* 1 advertising campaign* 1 advertising campaign

Training up to 3 persons

15 tickets with Amazon experts

*Ver DETALLES más abajo
- Parent products -
  • Parent Products

  • A product is an item that may or may not have variants (size, color, weight, dimensions, power, etc). By number of products we refer to the“Father” products in a given country. The different “variants” or variations of its features are considered “child products”, and although it is necessary to define them on Amazon, configure and publish them, Nozama does not consider them as a product that can be counted towards the budget. For each “Parent” product we can create up to 20 variants of child products, in up to 2 different levels.


    The following are some examples for your convenience. Please note that these examples take 1 country into consideration. If, for example, you wanted all these products to be in 2 countries, you would have to multiply the number of parent products by 2 . (It is not necessary to publish the same products in all countries).


    Example 1:

    You want to publish 3 led bulbs the same but changing the color of emission (2,700, 3,000 and 4,000, 7000) and also want to publish 1 led strip in 5 colors, and 2 equal adapters of 12V and 24V. Actually you only have 3 products (bulb, led strip and adapter) the rest are variants.

    We will publish 11 different references, but in 3 different products

    (Your Starterkit is the Entry)


    Example 2:


    You have a clothing collection:

    8 different coats in 3 sizes and 2 colors per size

    10 T-shirts of different models. Each model in 3 different sizes

    8 Pants of different models. Each in 8 sizes and 2 different colors

    8 skirts of different models. Each in 8 different sizes, 1 color per size.

    10 different models of shirts. Each in 8 different sizes and 4 colors per size.

    The summation gives us that you have 44 different parent products, with 590 variants.

    (Your StarterKit is the Advanced)


    Example 3:


    You sell sports supplementation products:

    You have Creatine, Protein, BCAAs, Vitamins, Glutamine, etc.

    You have 80 different products, some in various sizes, some in one size. Some in the same size vary in flavor, and others vary in format (powder, capsules, sticks, etc.).

    We will have to create 80 different parent products and evaluate for each parent which are its variants. We could easily come up with hundreds of child products.

    (Your Starterkit is Premium)


    We help you to calculate the number of products you have:

Calculate your StarterKit

Enter the total amount of products you wish to market in each country.





United Kingdom

- Pages A+ -
  • Pages A+

  • A+ pages are extended and higher quality content that is added to certain product listings. They are not mandatory, but they do enhance the quality of the published products. It is a content in which you can extend the information about your product, company, or even add information about other product lines. Also do product cross selling by adding tables where you can compare functionalities between different products in your portfolio.


    You can use the same A+ page for different products, so it is not necessary to create as many A+ pages as you have products or variants in your catalog. The A+ pages contain photographs and descriptive texts of your product, company or business vision, Nozama will adapt the texts you send us, and will also include positioning keywords to achieve a higher level of SEO. It is important that you send us the pictures you want to include in these pages, and that they are related to the texts you want to publish.


    Here you can find an example of an A+ page created by Nozama so you can get an idea of what kind of information and photos you have to send us.


    Please note that the A+ pages are also translated into each of the languages of the platforms where they will be published. You can, for example, have one A+ page published in all 5 languages on 5 different platforms (this would be included in the Starterkit Basic package, as it would count as 5 A+ pages). You can therefore combine different A+ and different languages up to the number of pages contained in your Starterkit.

  • Brand Stories

  • Brand Stories on Amazon are extended content that you can add to all listings of the same brand. They bring quality to your listings and create an emotional bond between the brand and the potential customer. In the Brand Story you can add information about your company, its beginnings, history, evolution over time, values, mission or highlight the most important aspects of your brand. It will help you to professionalize your listings and differentiate yourself from the competition.


    Brand Stories contain images and text. Nozama will adapt the texts you send us and include positioning keywords. It is essential that you send us the images to be included in the Brand Story and that they are related to the texts you want to publish.


    You can see here examples of Brand Story created by Nozama to understand the kind of information and pictures you have to send us.


    Brand Stories can be translated into each of the languages of the platforms where they will be published. You can, for example, have a Brand Story page published in only one country (included in the Starter Kit BASIC) or the Brand Story published in all 5 languages on 5 different platforms (this would be included in the Starter Kit MEDIUM and PREMIUM package).



Store de AMIX
Brandstore de ECOCESTA
  • Store

  • Amazon allows sellers with a registered trademark to have their own store within the marketplace. In each of your products you will have a link so that all potential buyers can reach it and discover your full range of products.


    This store will be divided into categories to allow an easier navigation and is composed of images and links to your products. This store will also serve to build brand image and awareness, help position your products, professionalize your image within Amazon and differentiate you from the competition.


    Here you can see an example of a Brand Store created by Nozama.


    This Amazon store can be replicated in each of the countries where you want to sell.




Why Nozama?

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From our experience

You will count on the Nozama team for the development of your Starter Kit. Nozama is a group of Amazon experts with more than 12 years of experience managing seller and vendor accounts in Spain and several international markets. You will be able to sell in Spain, France, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom, Sweden, Holland, Belgium and Poland.

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Our methodology

Our methodology, structured work processes and a team of more than 250 Amazon experts make us the ideal partner for companies that want to start selling, optimize their processes and increase the profitability of their sales on Amazon.

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For our Platform

Adaaption is a platform that has been developed to implement our work methodology on Amazon. This platform is composed of more than 30 applications that automate sales processes, both in terms of product and operations. The Starter Kit uses Adaaption to speed up the process of setting up your account.

Count on the support of one of Europe's largest Amazon players in your online business.

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